Show Up.
It takes immense effort to show up, not give up, invest, get involved, be known, build a business, fail, or even fall in love. It takes a lot of effort to stay. && it takes vulnerability && humility, trying again with those who have watched you fall. It takes commitment; && an incomprehensible resolve. A reserve to afloat your losses. Grace for the wrong words said, misaligned expectations, && when people you love drop the ball. Belief in someone’s best intentions. Compassion to hold the hurt in your hands, shielding, comforting, && healing. Wisdom for where to go next, && patience on the path. A strong work ethic that clocks in rain or shine, && trust that things are falling into place, always.
to some, showing up is a one-time event.
you gotta show up.
you gotta show up.
you gotta show up.
you gotta show up.
over && over, when circumstances call.
The kind of show-up where you never give up. All this to say, this is not a hustle-harder post. Always know what you stand for. Know who you are, who you believe in && love, && what you're willing to work your ass off for... && be there hard for it.