Today isn’t just another “today” but it’s the first of the clean pages of a whole year waiting for what we will write into our lives and what greatness we will pull from within.

Here’s the thing… It doesn’t matter how you enter this year, whether you’re running into a bright && shiny season, whether you’re scrambling across the finish line or you just barely made your way out of a tough calendar, YOU ARE ENOUGH.

If you were to add one title to your name or an accolade to your resume, YOU ARE ENOUGH.

What YOU decide to do with your one wild and precious life is the cherry on top of who you already are.

So what are you saying to yourself and this coming year? What words are you going to write into those blank pages before you?

What big dreams do you want to work towards? Maybe even dreams long forgotten, but beginning to seep into your mind, stirring a passion even as you read these words on the screen? I, Shan M. Parsley, encourage you!

What grace will you show yourself in this next YEAR?

I’m going to enjoy watching my grandbaby grow, those first steps she’s going to take… where we hold our breath in anticipation of how far she’ll go, in celebratory cheer over her smallest of strides. (If there is one thing that really held me together this past year, it’s that sweet baby.)

Like anything we learn in life; the First steps aren’t sprints. && just like a new year, a new season of life, though we may feel like it or want to keep up pace with those already mastered, our first steps aren’t usually the biggest ones we take. Make goals && take baby steps to reach them.

This year I want a book with my name on it, I would like to finish my first house flip, build my business && just write blogs because I have found passion in these things. I vow to be more compassionate to myself so I can build healthy relationships with others…Rome wasn't built in a day (as I’ve stated in previous blogs) but I have 365 of them && so do you!

There will be steps to celebrate && moments of fear, moments of tumbling, moments of learning in our failures. But in each, I will be present, I will rise, bruised, stronger. I want to allow myself to be me, to reside in grace, && to be happy in where I am, who I am.

&& I want that for you too.

Be brilliant. Be genuine. Be you… Because YOU ARE ENOUGH.

Happy New Year 2022


Be Kind to YOURSELF.
