Working On Self-Image

I remember praying.

I remember praying for the courage to leave situations that were no longer serving me && to give me the clarity && knowing what to do next.

For a long time, my situation didn’t change… My relationships && my progression just stayed as they were && overtime I started to lose faith.

I’m not going to lie, for a while I thought ‘this was it’ that was going to be my life. I thought that the struggle && the exhaustion were going to be with me forever.

But deep inside my stomach, I knew I wanted more for myself in all aspects. A feeling of an inner knowing that I was supposed to be doing something more with my life. The Feeling, It’s like It was a constant reminder that you are settling.

But nothing was manifesting.

I notice that when I start to focus on how I see myself, that desperate wanting feeling starts to turn into enlightenment.

I’m not just wishing && hoping that my life would change, I’m starting to finally see that I, Shannon Marie Parsley, am the only person that can make that happen as the next level of ‘me’ is already inside of me.

If you find that you have all the strategies, you’re trying to hit goals and create a bigger impact && for some reason you just cannot… there is a chance that your self-image is not aligned with your vision.

If we imagine that creating an exciting vision of your future is a fire, having a self-image that aligns with that vision is like throwing fuel on that fire.

Your self-image is tricky, it’s often tied up on your stories && old patterns && is hidden within your subconscious.

Once you become aware of your self-image, the magic manifestation begins.

It’s time.

Bring your whole self to the table


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