The ShannonP Edit

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BOTOX, && this is why I swim in it.

My OPINION, 95% percent of girls are extremely overly critical of themselves. (Including me). We all would like to be a little kinder to ourselves. But the point is… I’m no different from you, && to me, aging is annoying. As you may know, I’m very detailed-oriented && ultimately… quite the perfectionist (which is INSANELY frustrating at times).

So back in 2009, I did what I do best: research. I was 25…

I asked everyone under the sun with credibility about BOTOX.


BUT I’M CURIOUS BY NATURE, So I said ‘what the hell’ && went for it.

Yup, I got Botox @ THE RIPE AGE OF 25.

(Let’s also keep in mind, this was 12 years ago, so I was definitely more carefree… uhh I take that back).

BUT WAIT… hold up. You all should know, the main reason I’m doing this post is that a lot of my clients, family && friends have asked about my thoughts on Botox.

… && The self-proclaimed writer I’m striving to be every day is someone who’s an open book. (new year, new me && all)

Plus! I love taking one for the team ;). (Not like that… ‘insert eye roll here’). In the beauty world!! Let’s not get crazy, I’m coming up on being a born again “V”…)

I will say, sometimes it’s very scary but it’s way more important to me to provide a transparent comfortable space here… Which is why I will always share intimate details about any & every procedure I’ve undergone: Botox, Filler (lips), Ultherapy (laser), Kybella (fat under the chin), Clear+Brilliant (laser), Sculptra (rebuilds collagen), Micro-Needling (skin texture)… Of-course Microblading!!! Because that’s my bread && butter!!! It’s Coming!

-some where on instagram

In a perfect world women SHOULD be sharing wellness tips, tricks, advice, mistakes, experience, stories, etc. && supporting each other!! So yes, a Botox post makes absolute perfect sense. It is something that A LOT of women are doing… && a lot of them are not talking about it.

a side note: to be clear, the ‘open book’ part is more about things I’ve experienced myself… like Botox.

This however, BOTOX, is something I’ve experienced on my own for 12 years so I’m going to simply share the pros, the cons, the good, the bad, the ugly… && well, the truth.

&& I’m not forcing anyone to get Botox…

In fact, I will nnneverrrr tell you do anything.

This is my opinion && it is important to only pull what will work for YOU & YOUR LIFE from it. I’m not you && you’re not me. I may kind of love Botox but that certainly does not mean my personal thoughts should sway your own opinions on it.

It is just that – an opinion. I do me && you do you!! That’s what makes life so beautiful. If we were all the same, it’d be a real bore.


Back to me GETTING Botox. So about 12 years ago I found a local office in Ashland, my hometown, that was at the time highly recommended, talked with them, && went in to give it a test.

The real reason I decided to pull the trigger was not just because I read article after article about it preventing frown lines (I Kid you not, if you knew me in my younger years and I had frown lines on my face you would ALWAYS see me trying to dab them off like my finger was some kind of magic wand…) the other reason was: it’s preventative!… Meaning that the lines wouldn’t continue to get deeper, making the it worse. && also, I’m ALL ABOUT PREVENTION.

The prevention thing is basically what sold me. I mean, I definitely didn’t ( & don’t ) want lines getting worse! Who would?

(For the record, I’ve never been a smoker. Cigarettes just aren’t my thing! So any fine lines that were on my face weren’t from cigs. Not dissing smokers but if you do, you should quit… Mama Smith, This is for you.)


Scientific term courtesy of google: Botulinum toxin type A, the popular neurotoxin that, when injected in the face, will reduce muscle movement && lessen the appearance of wrinkles.


UGH, Prices vary depending the area you choose. I SWIM IN IT ABOUT EVERY 3-4 MONTHS. I’M ABOUT $400 EACH VISIT. When I first started in my younger years it was around $200.


Needles, lots && lots of scary needles.

I really hate needles. Honestly, I have self diagnosed myself with a condition called ‘Vasovagal syncope.’ It’s when you faint because your body overreacts to things. Needles is mine…

Fortunately, the needle for Botox was so small && not as bad as I thought…


I went into the room && she told me to lay down (HELLO FEAR OF NEEDLES)!! Then she pulled out a mirror && had me show her what I didn’t like about my face. (unrealistically, i’m thinking… A whole new face please && thanks). Realistically, I pointed out some lines on my forehead that appeared, of-course the 11’s in between my brows. She agreed && said it would prevent it from getting deeper. Back then, they used numbing cream && I assume they would now if you request it.

After that, she got the needles ready (I was Terrified). She did four injections in like 1 minute. Quick, easy, painless, && when I caught a glimpse of the needle it was legit as thin as a thread. Maybe like a little poke…

& then I was done!!

Every single time I’ve had it since, it’s been the same story. Quick.

side note: I don’t do it for anyone other than myself.

The Post Aftermath:

Since my first Botox experience, I’ve gotten it every 3-4 months like clockwork. I’ve gotten it in my upper forehead (always), brow lift (always), 11’s (every other appt), crows feet (always-around eyes && my favorite bc I feel like this is what makes me look more youthful), masseter (once recently && love it-jaw muscles for slimming of the face), .

I don’t get a lip flip && here’s why: I would NEVER recommend getting Botox by the mouth because you want to smile & Botox paralyzes the muscles. I did this once && I hated it, but on the contrary… Some people love it && kudos to them.(Again, my opinion).

After Botox, it is so important to NOT exercise, bend over, or lie down all day. They say six hours, but I always wait the whole day. A client of mine got Botox && went to try on shoes afterwards. Well, we all know you lean down when trying on shoes. Unfortunately, this messed the Botox up because it was only 2 hours after. She had a lazy eye for a month straight… UGH. Hence, why I’m OCD && careful the day I get it.

As far as the bruising, only a hand full of times have I gotten the tiniest of bruises in the world that disappeared the next day… (handful sounds like a lot but if my math is correct 3-4 times a year for 12 years… that’s probably 10%).

One HUGE pro: it kind of opens your face in the best of ways possible. I really can’t explain it. It feels like a refreshed kind of look.

Con: HUGE CON. The chemical in Botox is just an overall con. Again, I don’t recommend anyone get Botox with a random injector without seeing some before & afters or something. It can make you look like you have bells palsy without actually having bells palsy. Take that advice with a grain of salt if you want.

Ultimately, my face feels smoother & there’s no wrinkles.

Needless to say, I’ll continue to swim in it for as long as my wallet will allow.

Oh! Yeah, I’m all for all-natural remedies. BUT I also try a lot of things that are NOT all-natural too. If its for you do it, If not then don’t!

Why can’t we just all talk about it? Let’s go there && stay there! Help each other live our lives feeling good about ourselves openly, no matter what that looks like for someone else. A lot of women feel the need to lie about it. Why lie? I feel very good && confident about the decisions I have made for MYSELF. I’m not ashamed && I will share with anyone that asks. They were all fully informed & was well researched before I did anything. && I stand by them.

Another positive takeaway from this. I still hate needles, just not ones going in my face, it’s weird.

Instead of the whole secretive thing, let’s compare notes!! 

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