The ShannonP Edit

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note to self.

everything gets to change. every last little thing.

you included.

your identity.

your sense of self.

the labels you choose.

the way you move through the world.

the name you give yourself. your wants &&  needs. the sound of your yes. the solidity of your no.

your relationships.

your tastes. your hair.

your clothes. your desires.

some of it is out of your control. (much of it is out of your control).

but a hell of a lot of it is your own.

to name. to choose. to know. to change. to alter. to reject. to claim. to break. to build.

to invite. to ask. to respond. to honor. to name. to risk. to hold.


only yours.

this life?

it is yours.

anyone who suggests that it is not

-or that it is not or should not be - is not here for you.

only you decide how you want to live it.

what you want to call it.

how && when && why you want to change it.

no matter how many times you shift.

no matter how often you adjust.

no matter the experimentation.

or the wild exploration.

no matter how many times you've been lost.

or how many times you've been found.

or any of the mishaps you took along the way.

be willing to reinvent yourself. fiercely.

relentlessly. endlessly.

in the face of their anger. in response to their fear. a (r)evolution.

you are not required to stay who you were or who you are or even who you will be.

you were made for metamorphosis. designed for course correction. built for shifting trajectories && paradigms.

You are here to become. &&

nobody can write the terms of your life but you.